Tuesday 24 April 2007

A Dearieme-ism

“Many years ago I had a few years of seeing ‘social science’ data — and social scientists — close up. That’s when I realised that, in that world, usually ‘data’ is the plural of bollock.”
Dearieme, commenting on David Duff, “The Freemasons of Science”, Duff and Nonsense (Weblog), 22nd April 2007.


dearieme said...

Och, if I'd known you were going to quote me I'd have polished it up a bit. Anyway, Mr Lorenz Hart rhymed "data" with "that-a is that-a". When did everyone start saying "dayta"? Perhaps about the time they started saying "reesearch" and "fyenance"?

Anonymous said...

You see, that's the sort of 'class', or should I say 'clarse', that 'Dearieme' adds to our respective blogs from time to time. Of course, whilst its superfluous to you, I need it desperately!

Deogolwulf said...

It's rather fine as it is, Dearieme.

Mr Duff, yours is in a class of its own (and I don't mean that snidely!)