Monday 21 April 2008


The Right Honourable John Prescott MP has admitted to suffering from bulimia, revealing that “the stress of political life led him to seek comfort in food and then force himself to throw up.” [1] Plainly, judging by the size of the man, one can say that he was not a very successful bulimic, or rather, that he was more successful at one part of the process than the other. Still, one must respect the man’s bravery in admitting that there is yet another thing at which he is no good.
[1] Sam Jones, “John Prescott admits bulimia”, The Guardian, 21st April 2008.


James Higham said...

Where is he on the anorexic-bulimic continuum?

Anonymous said...

Given the choice between John Prescott and a puddle of sick, Blair retained the wrong one in the cabinet.

Anonymous said...

Calls to mind the incompetent, would-be suicide that stuck his tongue in the electrical socket only to careen across the kitchen and crack open his skull.