Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Hi-Tech Shar’iah

“We set out to prove that computer crime with its high technology is not entirely a new type of crime that needs a new Islamic theory and thus is already covered by the general Islamic Shar’iah laws.”
Mansoor Al-A’ali, “Computer Crime and the Law from an Islamic Point of View”, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.7:12, 2007.


Anonymous said...

I understand Mr. Al-A'ali's plight. I could not find any Shar'iah references to the following: (1.) remote detonation of car bombs through the use of cellular telephones; (2.) flying airplanes that are full of jet fuel into skyscrapers that are filled with people who are working to pay off credit card debt.

asdf said...

Any idea why this was published in the "Journal of Applied Sciences"?

Anonymous said...

Because Islam is today's hot topic. Every medium wants to publish an article on this issue.