Operation Odyssey Dawn: beginning in the middle of things; or the start of a ten-year quest, with the god of seas and earthquakes against it from the outset, with lotus-eating, cannibalism, a bag of wind, the turning of men into swine, sirens, drownings, cunning speech and disguises to come.
Operation Harmattan: a hot and dusty wind, ends in the middle of March.
Operation Ellamy: anyone’s guess. Anagram: Meally? M[ilitarily] E[fficient] Ally? Short for: Ella . . . my Dear? New-born daughter of a MOD-official? Chosen by computer? The latter, methinks, the spoilsports.
A British steamer and a Baltimore Bullet.
Oh my goodness - way over my head. Shame on me.
Like Deogolwulf, I have nothing to say anymore.
Mybe i just reading this, i would like to make some comment, but, huff, i can't say anything. Nice to know you. I will keep reading
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