Friday, 29 April 2011

Fewtril no.283

In the fostering of culture and the forming of good taste and character, liberal democracy has been so great a failure that it is believed by most to have been a great success.


dearieme said...

Nicely judged, Mr D.

Formerly.JP98 said...

LOL. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

good one.

Caligari said...


Firkin said...

'When thought is closed in caves, then love shall show its roots in deepest hell.'

Oil of Sanctity said...

Curmudgeon -- 'in terms of' is, I'm afraid, a quintessentially 'liberal' phrase. Watch out for it at the Guardian and other hives of linguistic horror. Unless you were using it ironically, you need (as I once did) to perform a bit of lexical cleansing. Cf. engaging issues around, notions, narrative, members of the X community, etc.

Anonymous said...

Difficult to avoid the absorption of such weaselly phrasing. I nearly wrote "phraseology", you see.

Some I have noticed appearing in "far right" "discourse":

- "moving forward"
- "going ahead"

and my very favorite!

- "our rights as"


Anonymous said...

Bene dicta.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deogolwulf said...


I cannot see how "in terms of" is a quintessentially 'liberal' phrase, but it is ugly. At first I wrote "In the fostering of . . .", but then for some reason changed it. I shall take your advice and change it back.
